Monday, April 18, 2005

Virgin Voyage

My husband has been after me to start blogging, mostly because he gets a little tired of all my ranting and raving about the state of our society here in America. I'm a masters-level clinical social worker that has chosen to move into "macro-level practice" (to the non-social work world, that means no individual client contact, but more "big picture" stuff), and focus on social justice, politics, and all things policy-related.

I'm uniquely positioned to provide interesting view-points on the world: I was raised in the Evangelical Christian church (and the Republican Party!) and yes, consider myself to be one of those "born-again Christians"; I hold both bachelor's and master's degrees in social work and have worked in the field of adolescent mental health for more than a dozen years; I'm a die-hard Progressive Liberal Democrat and worked on Senator Wellstone's last campaign; and, I'm a happily married heterosexual woman that is firmly allied with the gay community, having several dear friends and family members in the GLBT community. I guess I'm kind of an enigma of sorts, actually - I can see the world from a lot of different angles, but am quite thoughtful and knowledgeable about where I choose to come down on the issues.

So, here we go. It'll be interesting to put my ideas down where someone - anyone, really, can read them! Things like, oh, the Terry Shaivo case that about drove me out of my mind (let the woman die in peace, for pete's sake!!); the same-sex marriage debate that we can't seem to let go of here in Minnesota (what's being threatened, anyway?! aren't divorce rates over 50%?!); and Tom DeLay's strange idea that being an unethical politician is okay and somehow fits into his strong "moral values" that won both him and Bush their seats again last fall (and made me nauseous for weeks on end)! Maybe someone out there will actually appreciate my rantings?!


Firedawg said...

we all learn by having dialogue.
Hope your BLOG really takes off.

Firedawg said...

Hi, me again
I am interested in your thoughts on what I see as the swing to conservatism. (eg Bush, the new pope etc)
To me Christianity is revelationary. God keeps revealing concepts and truths as we have the ability to understand them. We went from God of the mountain top to God of the tribe , to God is everywhere etc as people were able to understand the concepts of God being universal. I know there is a problem with this in that anybody can say this is the new teaching or understanding of Chrstianity. I would like to know your thoughts. To me the "mark of a Christian" is a smile. Based on the fact that if you believe then you must believe you are saved (ipso facto, why worry) and also maybe as important the smile connotes love and understanding or empathy for our fellow humans.